Campus Wish List
A portion of the funds raised by the Foundation's Annual Gala are used to grant “wish list” items for departments on campus. All college personnel are eligible to submit a request, valued up to $1,000, for their department.
In 2015, thanks to the success of the Gala, all 50 requests were funded at a total of $35,503.
Examples of items are:
- Art Department: Ceramic Test kiln, Drawing Cast, Miter Saw, art supplies
- Athletics/Kinesiology: iPad, camcorder, high-jump standards, muscle stimulator
- Automotive: Battery Charger, Brake Bleeding kits
- Biology: Stacking racks, and membership to SICB
- Business: Camtasia for Mac
- Chemistry: LabQuest software, meters, chemistry supplies
- College Promotions: camera lens
- Counseling: event canopy
- Cosmetology: Towels
- Digital Media: Video camera switcher
- DSPS: Scanner
- Emergency Preparedness: signs
- Floral Design: dining room table set
- Nursing: Laser printer
- Outreach: Event canopies
- Personnel Services: Digital camera
- Physical Sciences: Fuel Cell kit, printer, mineral samples, vacuum pump
- Student Health Center: Wheelchairs with swing
- Technology Support Services: Software
- Theater Arts: Sewing machine, camcorder, printer
- Tutoring and Learning Center: M-Audio Oxygen 49 portable keyboard